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Marketing Software: Using CRM in Your Marketing Campaign

By Steve Stroz on Sep 9, 2019 5:15:00 PM

Marketing Software

Marketing software is often exactly what businesses need to add a quantitative edge to their campaign. If you're struggling to generate leads or track the results of your marketing campaign, then using CRM software is probably just what you're looking for.

Email automation

Email marketing is still the most effective online marketing practice, with just one caveat -- you have to approach it correctly. If you just send arbitrary emails out whenever you remember you have a newsletter, you'll never make any meaningful progress.

With CRM software, you can automate your email marketing campaign. You can set triggers so you send general emails out to subscribers in a timely manner.


Track metrics

Not tracking the results of your campaign will always end up in failure. You'll never learn from your mistakes, see what's effective, or understand if you're making any progress.

Business 2 Community explains how integrating CRM can resolve these problems:

"Having a CRM integrated with your marketing allows you to see which of your contacts are opening emails, what websites they are visiting, webinars attended and so forth. You can’t improve your marketing without these metrics. As marketers, we must understand the sales cycle and how our work fits into it."

You'll have greater access to data than ever before. This is worth its weight in gold regarding your marketing campaign, since you'll be able to retain customers and attract prospects better.


Align marketing and sales

And finally, using CRM software is an easy way to align your marketing and sales teams. By instructing both departments to use and refer to the software, you'll improve their communication and awareness of their counterpart. This alone is extremely effective for your marketing campaign, since sales representatives will have a better understanding of your company's brand when talking to prospective customers.


If your marketing campaign is in a slump, consider integrating CRM software. To talk more about marketing software, or anything else, contact us today.

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Your Marketing Process: What Are Your Ideas?

By Steve Stroz on Jul 29, 2019 5:33:42 PM


Marketing Process

Behind every great marketing strategy and marketing process is a great concept. You cannot have a successful marketing process if your concept is not up to par. However, sometimes companies can take things to the extreme and make things extremely complicated. If you try to be too creative, you may actually confuse the people you are trying to bring in.

In order to avoid creating a marketing campaign that confuses your audience, you should try not to make the following mistakes:

Going Off Course

You do not want to use an idea that customers would never expect from you. You want your customers to see things they know you are capable of bringing to them. You do not want them to think your entire mission and vision has changed. We understand you want something that will grab their attention, but get their attention with ideas they would expect from you.


Have you ever seen a commercial that you did not understand until someone told you what it meant? Sometimes companies use commercials that are a bit over the top and a little strange. Unusual commercials can be effective, but make no sense to people until they have to be explained by someone. Before trying out one of those ideas, you should test it out on your team and other co-workers.

What kind of image are you trying to portray through your marketing process and strategies? Do you have the tools and resources you need? Contact us today for more information on how you can implement effective strategies with the right resources.

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What Does Your Marketing Process Consist Of?

By Steve Stroz on May 31, 2019 4:00:00 PM

Marketing Process

It does not matter if you are working on a high-profile marketing campaign or a small marketing campaign. There are some things that you will need to keep in mind if your marketing process is going to be successful.

Before you start your marketing process, you should set business goals. You will use your marketing campaign to help grow your business and achieve these goals.

When you set your business goals, you will need to follow these steps:

What Do You Know?

What is the market looking like for your business? What is your target audience? Once you know your target audience, you have to find out where your customers and potential customers are located.

What is the outlook for your competition? In order to find out all this information, you will need to do your research. You will also need to perform an analysis on the competition. Once you know what the market looks like, you will make plans that will help you, and not hurt you.

What Will Be Your Strategy?

After you have completed your research, you will need to use that information to make the best decision for your marketing campaign. Your marketing campaign can lead to success or failure. Before you move forward with the campaign, you will need to make sure your goals are clear and accurate.

Your marketing process has multiple steps and you should not disregard any of them. If you need advice on how to successfully complete your marketing campaign, contact us today.

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