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Marketing Process: 3 Tips for a More Efficient Campaign

By Steve Stroz on Aug 30, 2019 5:00:06 PM

Marketing Process

An inefficient marketing process is more trouble than its worth. Although it might generate leads, it'll take a lot of resources to run. Some campaigns don't even generate relevant leads, which leaves businesses right where they started. For a more efficient campaign, try out these tips:


Document your strategy


Documenting a marketing strategy is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve the related campaign. The process of documenting helps you organize your thoughts and plans, and afterwards you have a guide to refer back to.

Many businesses today forgo this step and continue intuitively. This is a recipe for inefficiency, since you'll revisit the same territory and stall your progress.


Find the right tone


If you sound too promotional, then consumers won't take your content seriously, but if you don't mention your business, then they won't know you offer a related product. Tons of businesses struggle to find the right tone.


According to a recent Forbes article, it's important to test your results to find an appropriate tone by trial-and-error:

"Figuring out how to strike the right balanced tone can take time, and you’re unlikely to hit the mark on your first try. Testing and comparing results is thus essential; try different methods of introducing the action, as well as different copy, designs and locations. Track the appropriate engagement metrics to determine the success of your testing and iterate further on the methods that prove to convert better."

A good compromise is to write informative content and add a call-to-action in at the end.


Emphasize data and analytics


And finally, businesses today have greater access to data than ever before, and it's up to you to take advantage of that. As in the case of experimenting with tones, you can always improve your marketing campaign by throwing new things at the wall and seeing what sticks.


To talk more about your marketing process, or anything else, contact us today.

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What Does Your Marketing Process Consist Of?

By Steve Stroz on May 31, 2019 4:00:00 PM

Marketing Process

It does not matter if you are working on a high-profile marketing campaign or a small marketing campaign. There are some things that you will need to keep in mind if your marketing process is going to be successful.

Before you start your marketing process, you should set business goals. You will use your marketing campaign to help grow your business and achieve these goals.

When you set your business goals, you will need to follow these steps:

What Do You Know?

What is the market looking like for your business? What is your target audience? Once you know your target audience, you have to find out where your customers and potential customers are located.

What is the outlook for your competition? In order to find out all this information, you will need to do your research. You will also need to perform an analysis on the competition. Once you know what the market looks like, you will make plans that will help you, and not hurt you.

What Will Be Your Strategy?

After you have completed your research, you will need to use that information to make the best decision for your marketing campaign. Your marketing campaign can lead to success or failure. Before you move forward with the campaign, you will need to make sure your goals are clear and accurate.

Your marketing process has multiple steps and you should not disregard any of them. If you need advice on how to successfully complete your marketing campaign, contact us today.

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