A comprehensive guide and training manual focusing on manipulating Act! data with Excel.
Chapter 1: Connecting Microsoft PowerPivot to Act!
Chapter 2: Adding Additional Tables & Creating Relationships
Chapter 3: PowerPivot Tips
Chapter 4: SQL Query Examples
Chapter 5: Resources
A comprehensive guide and training manual focusing on manipulating Act! data with Excel.
Chapter 1: PivotTable Basics
Chapter 2: Analyzing Act! Opportunities
Chapter 3: Accessing other Act! Data through the OLEDB Provider
Chapter 4: Make it a Dashboard
Chapter 5: Tips & Tricks
Your purchase also includes a site license to edit and distribute the eBook to your clients or other members of your organization. (The site license does not grant you permission to sell the eBook).
Finally, a practical guide to the advanced topics of the ACT! report generator!
Table of Contents:
A comprehensive guide to connecting Crystal Reports to your Act! data.
Table of Contents:
A comprehensive visual guide to the Act! Database Strucutre and how to connect to the data objects using the OLE DB Provider.
Table of Contents:
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