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3 Things to Look for in CRM Software

Mar 20, 2019 3:30:00 PM


CRM Software

There are lots of different CRM software out there and it can be hard to know what's right for your business. Here are a few things you should look for regardless of your goals:

Easy access

CRM software, like ACT! or HubSpot, should be easy to access in multiple ways. First of all, it shouldn't take lots of training for your employees to learn the software. They should be able to find their way around it easily enough. In addition, employees should be able to access the software from their mobile devices. The greater access there is, the more data they'll input, and the more effective the software will be.

Clear reports

Data is one of the best things about CRM software, provided that you can actually understand it. It's important to have software that produces clear reports.

According to this Event Industry News article, you should choose CRM software that helps you visualize your results:

"In-depth statistics and analysis can offer huge support for driving your hire business forward. However, if the reporting functionality of your chosen CRM system is difficult to understand or interpret, it’s useless. Be sure to choose a CRM that easily visualizes your results in a way that’s digestible and, most importantly, usable."

Don't just look for statistics and analytics. Make sure there are graphs that can help executives understand your findings.

Good support

Finally, there are going to be issues at some point with your CRM software. When these occur, it's important that you have good support to fall back on.

Good support goes beyond basic troubleshooting. An agency should also explain what went wrong and how you can avoid it in the future.

Other examples of support include helping you understand your CRM reports, providing employee training material, and scheduling regular maintenance. This will all vary from agency to agency. To talk more about CRM software, or anything else, contact us today. 

Topics: CRM Software

Steve Stroz

Written by Steve Stroz

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